From the article: Remote-controlled balloons carrying armies of minirobots could be filling Mars’ skies if a project by Californian scientists takes off. NASA-funded researchers are developing the StratoSail, a balloon with a wing, that can be accurately steered through Mars’ winds for months. Like weather balloons, the StratoSail could carry cameras and gadgets to spot potential areas for human missions. Read the full article here: MORE ABOUT PLANETARY BALLOONS […]
Recent Media Articles
‘Fly the Unfriendly Skies’ of Mars… in a Robotic Balloon
From the article: A Californian company, Global Aerospace Corporation (GAC), is developing remote-controlled balloons for the NASA Institute for Advanced Concepts (NIAC). BBC News Online reports in this article that their goal is to send these balloons carrying robots and cameras to explore Mars skies. But it’s not for a near term future. Read the […]
Negotiating the Stratosphere
From the article: An engineering company has developed a system that may offer some control over NASA’s high-altitude weather balloons. The control device, called StratoSail, consists of a spar from which an 8-foot rudder and an 18-foot wing hang. The developer, Global Aerospace Corp. of Altadena, Calif., has tested a miniature version from a tethered blimp. The company’s president, Kerry Nock, said […]
Near Space, The Shore of Our New Ocean…
From the article: Global Aerospace Corp. – developing “guided stratospheric balloons” under a NASA contract. StratoSail – a sail hung on a tether from the balloon. Stratospheric Satellites: a New Technology for Monitoring Global Disasters – Yahoo /Global Aerospace PR – July.3.02 Read the full article here:
Mars Balloon Could Offer Supersharp, Superfast Surveys
From the article: A balloon-based spacecraft could survey Mars with rover-level detail in a fraction of the time it takes with ground-based vehicles, scientists say. The U.S. space agency’s celebrated Mars rovers, Spirit and Opportunity, have each roamed several miles during nearly two years on the planet’s surface. Their mission has been an unqualified success, providing breathtaking images and important data. Read […]
Main Belt Transportation System?
From the article: At the 10-11 June annual meeting of NASA’s Institute for Advanced Concepts (NIAC), Global Aerospace Corporation (GCA) delivered a status report on its phase II concept study, “Cyclical Visits to Mars via Astronaut Hotels” (GCA calls them “AstroTels”). Funded through next January by NIAC, the concept in development is a way to cost-effectively service a small […]
Jim Longuski’s Book Back Cover
Jim Longuski’s Book Back Cover MORE ABOUT ASTROTELS Read more about Astrotels here
GAC Creates Hypersonic and Atmospheric Reentry Control Tool
From the article: Controlling a spacecraft while it exists or reenters the atmosphere, or while on the final descent for another moon or planet is a very tricky business, which currently requires years of planning, and just seconds to execute. For this very reason, the American enterprise Global Aerospace Corp. has announced that it’s currently […]
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MORE ABOUT GLOBAL CONSTELLATION OF STRATOSPHERIC PLATFORMS Click here to learn more about Global Constellations of Stratospheric Platforms.
MORE ABOUT GLOBAL CONSTELLATION OF STRATOSPHERIC PLATFORMS Click here to learn more about Global Constellations of Stratospheric Platforms.
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MORE ABOUT GLOBAL CONSTELLATION OF STRATOSPHERIC PLATFORMS Click here to learn more about Global Constellations of Stratospheric Platforms.