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ULDB Trajectory Simulation

Trajectory Generation Method for ULDB TrajSim Sample Results


The example trajectories shown on these pages were generated by integration of the wind field at the ever-changing balloon location. The integration scheme is simple and 1st-order: y(t1) = y(t0) + x(t0)*[(dy/dx)(t0)]. The time step for the integration is set to a constant 1.0 hours, and the balloon altitude remains fixed at 35 km (geopotential), or about 5 hPa.

The example trajectories displayed herein are not forecast trajectories, i.e. they were not developed from atmospheric forecasts. They were developed using four-dimensional interpolation of atmospheric analyses.

The current version of the TrajSim software provides the option to save the status of the display at any time in the simulation. Several plot time increments and simulation speeds are available as viewing options.