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ULDB Trajectory Simulation

Explanation of ULDB TrajSim Sample Results


For typical long-duration balloon flights, target payload recovery zones are located on the launch-site latitude. And, long-duration flight launch sites are chosen such that few overflight problems are expected from constant-latitude flights. Thus, minimum latitude variation is a desirable flight trajectory characteristic.

Conventional wisdom says that stratospheric summer polar (as opposed to stratospheric polar winter or stratospheric tropical) circulation is the most favorable for long-duration balloon flight trajectories with minimum latitude variation. In the summer, the polar vortex is typically unified, and the consistent, low-velocity, east-to-west flight path yields little north-south motion; whereas in the winter, the polar vortex is typically fragmented into two or more circulations and significant disturbances (stratwarms) can disrupt the prevailing west-to-east flow. (Note that the twice-yearly reversal of the prevailing polar stratospheric winds is known as "turnaround." During the local summer, polar vortices exhibit steady east-to-west flows. During local winter, polar vorticies develop often-fragmented west-to-east flow.)

The preliminary trajectories shown on this page largely confirm conventional wisdom. However, stable west-to-east winter trajectories are observed for two cases in the southern hemisphere.

Summer Trajectories

The June 1981 Fairbanks trajectories show little latitude variation until approximately 80 days into the flight (end of August) where the balloon encounters turnaround conditions. Similarly, the February 1981 Alice Springs and Christchurch trajectories exhibit near-constant latitude until about the 55th day where stratospheric turnaround conditions are observed. In the February 1981 Alice Springs trajectory, the balloon loses velocity and meanders for a few days until the west-to-east circulation is established. Thereafter, the balloon flies eastward. In the February 1981 Christchurch trajectory, a short direction reversal occurs: a likely result of a small stratospheric warming event.

Winter Trajectories

In contrast to the near-constant-latitude June 1981 Fairbanks trajectory, the February 1981 Fairbanks trajectory exhibits an erratic and undesirable trajectory: significant latitude excursion and overflight of geopolitically sensitive areas are observed.

The June 1981 Alice Springs and Christchurch trajectories show little latitude variation, relative to the February 1981 Fairbanks trajectory. Until the 80th day (end of August 1981), the Alice Springs trajectory is remarkably stable. The June 1981 Christchurch trajectory is more stable in latitude compared with the February 1981 Fairbanks trajectory.

Note that the average zonal velocity for the February 1981 Christchurch and Alice Springs trajectories is quite different. For Alice Springs, the average zonal velocity for the first 70 days of flight is 35 m/s, whereas the average zonal velocity for the first 70 days of the Christchurch flight is 70 m/s. This observed zonal wind velocity difference is not inconsistent with data shown in Global Atmospheric Circulation Statistics, 1000-1 mb , William J. Randel, Atmospheric Chemistry Division, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO, NCAR/TN-366+STR, 1992. Randel shows strong latitude gradients for zonal winds between 20 deg. S and 60 deg. S at 35 km in the southern hemisphere winter. Average velocities near Christchurch latitudes are as high as 70 m/s.