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Lightweight Modular Solar Array

::: Stratospheric Balloons

Under NASA SBIR funding, Global Aerospace Corporation has developed a prototype lightweight modular solar array that can be used for high altitude balloons.

This power system, using low-cost terrestrial cells, can provide up to 2.5 kW for missions from polar to equatorial latitudes. Global Aerospace Corporation has examined power generation subsystem alternatives and has developed an innovative design that is lightweight and meets the requirements with a very low-mass and cost.


    Projected Operational Solar Array Features::

  • System Size: 2 m by 2 m by ~0.5 m tall
  • Power Generation: 2500 W
  • Array Voltage: 150 VDC
  • System Power Consumed: 10-20 W at night
  • Tracking: 12°/s, worst case
  • Time for Array Deployment & Operation: 30 min
  • Time to Stow: <30 min
  • Gondola Parachute and Landing Shocks: 10 g max. while stowed
  • Specific Power: 20 W/kg
  • Cost/W/Flight: $10

Several advantages of HighPower™ Solar Array for Stratospheric Balloons:

  • Maximum power available most of the day
    - Panels normal to sun-line except near sunrise/set
    - Less than 10% cosine power loss even then
  • No constraint on balloon/gondola rotation
  • Does not require slip rings to transfer power
  • Lightweight, efficient structure - cables stow via and aligned with gravity
  • Restowable (prevents damage on gondola landing)
  • Reusable in balloon applications
  • Modular; expandable - easy to tailor power to mission requirements
Schematic of HighPower™
Solar Array for Stratospheric Balloon Applications
Prototype HighPower™ solar array pointing test shown without solar panels and using support structure and bottom plate only.
Prototype HighPower™ 2 m by 2 m solar array module (SAM) capable of supplying 400W.
Stowed Prototype HighPower™ Solar Array System